Join the PHLUSH Singapore Challenge!
With inspiration from the folks at Sisters of the Road Café, we’re launching the PHLUSH Singapore Challenge. You see, they’re passing the hat to support PHLUSH. Former café manager Nikki Jardin is the PHLUSH Co-Founder who suggested the name with our mission: Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human.
How about joining with colleagues at your workplace to help PHLUSH get to the World Toilet Summit in Singapore? Here’s a mini-poster you can download .
We’ve just passed the halfway mark to the goal of $2500. That’s for 2 air tickets and a modest hotel room for 5 nights. Barb and Carol will cover all expenses on the ground. Neighbors West-Northwest, the 501 (c) 3 non-profit that serves as our fiscal sponsor is receiving tax-deductible donations. Contributions are welcome on line (add special instruction “PHLUSH” before hitting send). Or checks (with “PHLUSH” in the memo line) can be mailed to Neighbors West-Northwest, 2257 NW Raleigh St., PDX 97210.
How about joining with colleagues at your workplace to see that Portland is represented at the World Toilet Summit?
We’ve just passed the halfway mark to the goal of $2500. That’s for 2 air tickets and a modest hotel room for 5 nights. Barb and Carol will cover all their meals and on the ground expenses.
Tax-deductible donations are being received by Neighbors West-Northwest, the 501 (c) 3 non-profit that serves as fiscal sponsor for PHLUSH. Checks (with “PHLUSH” in the memo line) may be mailed to Neighbors West-Northwest, 2257 NW Raleigh St., PDX 97210. Contributions are welcome on line (at : add special instruction “PHLUSH” before hitting send).