Why Public Toilets?
Livable Communities

Public toilets help us get out of cars and onto our feet, our bicycles and mass transit. We feel comfortable and welcome in places where it's easy to find public facilities.
Human Dignity

Health and Fitness

Public toilets enable us to be physically active and enjoy new experiences when we’re away from home. Our mental well-being is enhanced when we’re out with families and friends and know there's a place "to go."
Public Toilet Advocacy Toolkit
The purpose of the Public Toilet Advocacy Toolkit is to strengthen the capacity of citizen advocates and city officials to provide and maintain great public toilets that make communities livable, respect human dignity and promote health and well-being. PHLUSH regularly responds to requests from communities throughout North America seeking to increase toilet availability. These seventeen tools are designed for use by city managers, transit authorities, CPTED specialists, public health officials, toilet entrepreneurs, proponents of active living, media professionals, and engaged citizens.
Part Two: Action Planning Tools
Public Hygiene Lets Us Stay Human. PHLUSH promotes toilet systems that people need and Nature loves. Our website serves as practical knowledge base for urban restrooms design, ecological sanitation and emergency toilet systems. PHLUSH collaborates with civil society organizations, grassroots groups, academic researchers, local government officials, emergency managers, and urban planners to promote sustainable and equitable toilet options for all North Americans. An all volunteer organization, PHLUSH is a member of the World Toilet Organization and a partner in the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance.