A Free Minimalist Urine-diverting Dry Toilet (UDDT) for the Unhoused, Poor or Disaster-stricken

By Chris Canaday. Ecuador-based researcher Canaday generously prepared this in response to our inquiries. He invites feedback via Inodoroseco or email canaday2 AT gmail.com Shifting from wasteful, expensive, contaminating, water-based toilets to decentralized, environmentally friendly, dry toilets should be more a matter of paradigm shift than capital investment. This is especially true for those who have little money,…

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Stories from the Street: PSU team explores toiletlessness

July 1, 2013 Students from Portland State University’s Nohad A. Toulan School of Urban Affairs and Planning, have recently completed a project on the consequences of toiletlessness. After spending the winter academic term on background and planning, the Right to Relief team spent the spring term exploring the issues in collaboration with PHLUSH.  They hit…

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Toilets for All!

This guest post by Paul Rippey originally appeared June 5 on Savings Revolution, a blog covering savings groups, “the most exciting new approach to bringing safe financial services to people around the world.”   Thank you, Paul! Meet Mr. Toilet from Jessica Yu on Vimeo. I had the honor of spending some time over the last couple of…

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Gates Foundation Reinvents the Toilet

Water and sanitation, WatSan, and WASH – there are many words to convey the idea that water and sanitation are linked. But as we learned during the PHLUSH visit to the Gates Foundation sponsored Luminaries of Science: Reinventing the Toilet event yesterday – the problem with this compound subject is that the idea of sanitation…

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Sewers are broken. Where will you go?

PHLUSH partner organization MDML (once known as Cloacina.org Project) created an informative and life-saving guide that shows you scientifically-proven methods for human-waste composting in an emergency. Don’t miss the opportunity to download it for free or purchase it for 10 bucks on their website. This illustrated guide presents a series of graduated responses you can do to keep…

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Come Meet Mr. Toilet in Portland, Oregon

PHLUSH will host World Toilet Organization Founder Jack Sim on Sunday, June 3 and Monday, June 4. Jack is an international media celebrity and inspiring advocate for human dignity. He put the spotlight on the 2.6 billion humans who lack toilets and helped get the UN to include sanitation in Millennium Development Goals. Jack was…

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Portland Takes Lead in Sound Advice for Emergency Sanitation

Lately, we’ve been checking out what other West Coast cities at risk of earthquake-induced water and sewer system failure and non-functioning toilets are recommending to residents. Some cities propose that residents bag, bleach, throw away, or bury human waste in the event of an emergency.  Such proposals could have dangerous consequences.  Portland, however, has proposed…

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Meet Poonam Sharma, PHLUSH Volunteer

As an exclusively volunteer run organization, PHLUSH relies solely on the help of dedicated volunteers to conduct outreach, plan activities, and manage online communications. Volunteers are the backbone of the organization, and we want to acknowledge the efforts of friend and committed PHLUSH volunteer – Poonam Sharma. “As someone who has lived all over the…

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Sanitation Solutions Emerge after Haitian Earthquake

Monika Roy with SOIL writes: Bonswa from Haiti. Monika here, working down in the Caribbean with SOIL (Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods). SOIL is a U.S. NGO focused on EcoSan systems, incorporating hygiene education and developing sustainable business models through humanure compost sales. We started up north in Cap Haitien in 2006 building public EcoSan toilets…

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Where does it all go? Sanitation tours provide answers.

Where does it all go after we flush?  How does it all get managed?  How come we know so little about how wastewater treatment systems work? These are the questions that led us to organize our 2011-12  series of expert-led tours of sanitation facilities.  As citizens, we need some understanding of essential infrastructure to influence…

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