Why Disaster Sanitation?

The wastewater systems in America are increasingly susceptible to climate change and natural disaster. Many are already failing. Alternate systems are possible -- it's time to reform our infrastructure now.
American’s wastewater infrastructure needs maintenance.

ASCE Report Card and updates on maintenance costs

The risks to water and wastewater systems are escalating with climate change.

Sea level rise, groundwater intrusion, eutrophication and toxic pollution.

Recent hurricanes and flooding have overwhelmed existing systems.

Houston’s Harvey, Florida’s Irma, and North Carolina’s Florence.

Florida’s failing septic systems are destroying its land and way of life.

Houston’s Harvey, Florida’s Irma, and North Carolina’s Florence.

Isn’t it time to consider alternative systems?

Conclusion is a quick overview of sustainable systems with key resources. Could be rewrite of this page on ecological sanitation systems. Most of those free resources have been updated.

Announcement of Collaboration with Pedestrian Space!

Announcement of Collaboration By Genevieve Mancuso of PHLUSH and Annika Lundkvist of Pedestrian Space           PHLUSH is a nonprofit based in the United States that helps local governments and citizen groups to advocate for and provide equitable public restroom access. Pedestrian Space is a media platform…


A Recap of the U.S. WASH Convening: Part I

In early May, Ashley and Genevieve traveled cross-country for a whirlwind week in Washington DC at the inaugural United States WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) Convening! We’d like to thank our friends at DigDeep and Water For People for putting this incredible conference together, including funding for travel and lodging…


The Importance of Inclusive Restroom Signage

Professional photographer Mark Chester did not intentionally find the issue of inclusivity in restroom access - the issue found him. Chester began photographing restroom signs 12 years ago. In conducting this work, Chester began pondering the relationship between signage and inclusivity. What he found is that the barriers to equitable…

